Fancy Dinner
Leominster HR6, UK
24 Apr 2021 (Sat) at 20:00
10 Diners


(£45 / head)
Open Closed

Fancy Dinner

Hi! We’re looking for someone who could come and cook us a fancy meal for 10 people. I’m thinking of canapés followed by a main course and dessert. We’re open to cuisines but do love Italian! We have mostly meat eaters and one pescatarian.
Thank you!

about 3 years ago
Dinner to be served at
24 Apr 2021 (Sat) at 20:00
Number of diners
10 Diners
Number of dishes to be served per person
3 Dishes
Request budget


(£45 / head)
Serving Type
Service Level
Preferred cuisines
Asian British Italian


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