Birthday omakase dinne...
Honiton Rd, London NW6 6QD, UK
30 Dec 2021 (Thu) at 18:00
2 Diners


(£100 / head)
Open Closed

Birthday omakase dinner for two

I’m looking for a beautiful omakase fresh fish and shellfish multi-coursed meal for me and my husband to celebrate his birthday. Surprise flavours, lovely fresh fish/shellfish, perfect rice and vegetables. For any really creative and inspired Japanese chef!

over 2 years ago
Dinner to be served at
30 Dec 2021 (Thu) at 18:00
Number of diners
2 Diners
Number of dishes to be served per person
5+ Dishes
Request budget


(£100 / head)
Serving Type
Service Level
Preferred cuisines


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