Cotswolds, UK
18 Jul 2020 (Sat) at 14:00
19 Diners


(£15 / head)
Closed 2 Offers
Open Closed


We are having a gathering in the garden in the Cotswolds (provided this is permitted at the time due to Covid-19), and are looking for someone to come and cook a BBQ for us during the day. We would be providing some marinated meats in Indian spices (chicken drumsticks, lamb chops, paneer tikka) but would also like some additional BBQ food and are open to suggestions (e.g. burgers etc). Thank you in advance!

almost 4 years ago
Dinner to be served at
18 Jul 2020 (Sat) at 14:00
Number of diners
19 Diners
Number of dishes to be served per person
3 Dishes
Request budget


(£15 / head)
Serving Type
Service Level
Preferred cuisines


Offers can be made for more or less than the requested budget.

2 offers made for this request.

almost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago


Please don't share personal info - insurance won't apply to requests not delivered through We Dine! (After your offer is accepted, private messaging will be available)

almost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
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